Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Emerald E.A.R.T.H. Green Initiative

Karyll McKechnie, Manager of Cafeteria Services at the College is pleased to announce that as of December 1st, the Brockton and Canton Cafeterias will be selling coffee at a reduced cost to students, faculty, staff and administrators who use reusable travel mugs. If you bring your reusable travel mugs to either of the cafeterias, you will receive your coffee at a cost of $1.00.  The current prices for coffee at the cafeterias are Large Coffee $1.50 and Small Coffee $1.25.
Please note that the Cafeteria will only be accepting reusable plastic or stainless steel travel mugs; no glass or porcelain travel mugs will be accepted.  Also, no non-travel coffee mugs will be accepted.
This green initiative was proposed by the Emerald E.A.R.T.H. Club (Student Sustainability) on campus. By implementing this green initiative, the Cafeteria is rewarding those individuals who are trying to live more eco-friendly lives and reducing the number of paper cups being used at the College.

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