Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Join The NG Climate Conversation

Most experts agree that planet Earth is in crisis. But hope remains as long as there are citizens, governments, and companies who are working to make a difference. There are countless ways each of us can help build a greener world, from starting a compost bin, to buying renewable power, to driving a cleaner car.

This site is an invitation to join the climate conversation. In it, you'll find examples of Earth's profound beauty, and see how grassroots conservation efforts and groundbreaking technologies are making a difference in the fight to restore our planet's health.

Find out more.

Campus Environment 2008

A National Report Card on Sustainability in Higher Education
Trends and New Developments in College and University Leadership, Academics and Operations (2nd edition)

How well are American colleges doing at greening their campuses?

How environmentally literate are today's college students?

What is the biggest obstacle to expanding green activities on campus such as energy conservation, sustainable landscaping, and environmental curricula?

Which campuses are recognized for their exemplary commitment to sustainable practices?

Campus Environment 2008 reveals the answers-the survey results will surprise you.
This comprehensive study by National Wildlife Federation and Princeton Survey Research Associates International reviews trends and new developments in environmental performance and sustainability at 1,068 institutions. It recognizes colleges and universities for exemplary efforts and awards academic letter grades (A through D) for collective, national performance on environmental literacy, energy, water, transportation, landscaping, waste reduction and more. The report analyzes collective trends in the areas of management, operations, and academics.

With 27 percent (more than one quarter) of U.S. colleges (presidents, administrators, and facilities managers) responding, the 2008 survey is the nation's largest study to date created to gauge trends and new developments in campus sustainability. It was also the first study of its kind when conducted in 2001.

------> Read the full report

Emerald E.A.R.T.H. Club Meetings

Upcoming Emerald E.A.R.T.H. Club (Student Sustainability) Meeting dates are as follows:

Monday, October 20th
Monday, November 17th
Monday, December 8th

All meetings will be held in the Student Senate Conference Room from 12:00 – 1:00 pm.

I know that everyone’s schedule is full, but it would be wonderful if members of the Sustainability Task Force Committee could attend the meetings and help support the students’ efforts.
Thank you!

Live Webcast

Join Al Gore in Supporting the Youth Climate Movement on October 29 at 8:00pm Eastern
On October 29th at 8pm Eastern, Al Gore will be speaking to Power Vote groups across the country in a live webcast!

Join us for this exciting opportunity!

Join Al Gore and over 250,000 young people across the country who are taking action through the Power Vote campaign to halt our Climate Crisis, and calling us to hold our elected officials accountable for repowering America through our voice and our VOTE on November 4.

Right now nothing is more important than seizing the opportunity to fight global warming at the most important possible battleground: the ballot box. And no one understands this more than the world's leading clean energy advocate and our favorite Nobel Peace Laureate.

We're going to be kicking off 6 days of hard core Get Out the (Power) Vote campaigning between October 29 - November 4, and Gore's talk with all of us will be an incredible and inspiring launch pad for action. But even before the 29th, we have some work to do. We need all of you to organize viewing parties in every city and on every campus in the United States on October 29.

Invite friends to your dorm room, reserve a classroom on campus, work with campus or local environmental groups, get a local movie theater to let you use it for the night, or find a projector and the side of a building...

Al Gore Web Cast on October 29, 8:00pm EST

National Wildlife Federation is once again teaming up with the Energy Action Coalition to support a youth led climate movement. Power Vote is a national, non-partisan campaign to mobilize 1 million 'climate voters' for the 2008 election.

Over 250,000 people from around the country have signed the Power Vote pledge, and more are joining everyday. Anyone can sign the Power Vote pledge. Help us create a clean just energy future, a million Power Voters strong.

Welcome to the Green Team!

This blog was developed by the Massasoit Community College Sustainability Committee for the purpose of sharing ideas that support the American College & University Presidents Climate Commitment.
Please join our efforts.